MCMC 1: Metropolis–Hastings and Peskun–Tierney orderings

UCL Probability reading group

Samuel Livingstone


The integration problem

Two most famous applications

Example (Logistic regression)

The MCMC solution

MCMC: first questions

The answer to the first question is yes, in fact it is not difficult. The second is more interesting…

Metropolis–Hastings kernel

MH algorithm

For each \(i \in \{1,...n-1\}\)

Return \(\{X_1,...,X_n\}\)

MH: \(\pi\)-reversibility

Why this choice?

Some key foundational questions

  1. What is the best choice of \(\alpha\) (for a fixed \(Q\))?
  2. What is the best choice of \(Q\)?
  3. What do we mean by best?

Question 1 has a clear answer, 3 is a choice from a few options, and 2 is very much open.

We will discuss 3 and 1 now, and 2 later.

But first, a toy example

3. What do we mean by best MCMC method?

1’. What is the best choice of \(\alpha\) for a fixed \(Q\) in terms of asymptotic variance?

Peskun orderings

Peskun’s theorem

Thm If \(P_1\) dominates \(P_2\) (and both are \(\pi\)-reversible) then \[ \nu(f,P_1) \leq \nu(f,P_2) \] for all \(f \in L^2(\pi)\). (Statement about spectral gaps can also be made).

Peskun (1973) worked on finite state spaces, Tierney (1998) produced a general result

Steps of the proof

  1. Consider the average kernel \(P(\beta) = \beta P_1 + (1-\beta)P_2\)
  2. Introduce \(\nu_\lambda(f,P(\beta))\) (regularised version)
  3. Show that \(\frac{\partial}{\partial \beta} \nu_\lambda(f, P(\beta))\) is of constant sign, for any \(f \in L^2(\pi)\) and any \(\lambda \in [0,1)\)
  4. Show that \(\nu_\lambda \to \nu\) as \(\lambda \to 1\)

Functional analysis preliminaries

Proof sketch

Proof sketch

Two intermediate results

Proof sketch

Final part

Some remarks/extensions to finish

Key conclusion


Some of my work here

Thanks and see you next time!
